
Hello, I’m Shelly, a life-long, passionate health and wellness enthusiast, until 10 years ago when it suddenly hit me — I had slipped off the rails.  

At that time, a highly stressful corporate job was wearing me thin, quite literally. I was slipping back into perfectionist thinking and disordered eating behaviors in effort to control something, ANYTHING, in my life. I was eating for convenience not health, hardly sleeping, rarely exercising, suffering unbearable anxiety, neglecting my relationships, and ignoring much needed self-care. 

The irony was that on the outside, people would have assumed that I had it all. I mean, I was CRUSHING it professionally! But, on the inside… I was utterly and completely miserable. 

Then on my 45th birthday, something just clicked! I woke up to the fact that I needed my health back and wanted to be happy, genuinely happy again. I decided that I could no longer afford to ignore my crappy lifestyle habits and began educating myself on how to optimize my well-being by changing how I ate, moved, and managed my stress levels.

This life-changing decision reignited my love for learning about all things wellness, and led me to pursue intensive certifications in Health & Wellness Coaching, Personal Fitness Training, Yoga, Meditation, and Breath Work. I’m proud to say that now in my mid-50s, I’m the healthiest, fittest and happiest that I’ve ever been! 

As a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, I’m compelled to share my expertise and offer compassionate support to every hard working professional who wants it all — to own their career AND their health, have greater energy, stress less, and live a life of purpose on purpose.